Dear Mama
Having my eyes opened by Causey has been a blessing to my life,
but I am
surrounded by many not-Causey people. I have taken a liking to
Russian literature. Conventional wisdom suggests that
Dostoeyevsky should
be read in coffee shops and at home and not at a place called
"The Rodeo
Bar." A friend is mocking me for wanting to read
Dostoeyevsky at the Rodeo
Bar where I can drink many beers, throw peanuts on the floor, and
to rockabilly. I want to do it solely for my own enjoyment and
not to impress
anybody. Would Causey approve of my place of reading?
-Krazy about Karamazov
Dear Karamazov
I could not resist that little play on words. . .
if it were acceptable to read fine literature in only
"refined" places, wonderful works of art would merely
dust. Enjoy!
Love and Hugs,
Mama Causey